
Faces of Kelowna 2025

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In particular, these adjectives are applied to the 'Faces' of 20 of the city's top companies featured in this Faces of Kelowna 2025 magazine. They are the 'Faces' of their business, the 'Faces' who make their companies unique, the 'Faces' who ensure their business' success and the 'Faces' that customers know and trust and respect.You might have noticed that I tossed 'stylish' onto that list of Faces of Kelowna traits in the first sentence of this editorial. That's because Treehouse Interiors is this year's cover business for Faces of Kelowna magazine. And, Treehouse Interiors is stylish.After all, it's been helping furnish Okanagan homes with flair and elegance and functionality since it launched in 1992. Treehouse Interiors excels in furniture that brings your vision to life.

The 19 other businesses featured in this magazine can also bring your vision to life in so many other sectors from looking after your health, selling or buying a home, estate planning, taking care of your pet and caring for your children to investing, heating and cooling your home, beautifying your smile, retirement living and even getting the perfect tattoo. Here's to a year full of excellence, health, happiness and prosperity in 2025. These ‘Faces’ are truly inspiring and exemplify innovation, leadership, achievement and accomplishment.

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